Points to remember: Jupiter or Guru is in your 2nd House since May 8, 2011 and Saturn will occupy 8th House(Ashtama Shani) from Nov 14th 2011.
Sani Bhagawan is moving into your 8th place now. This is a challenging 2.5 year period. It represents Cycles of Deaths And Rebirth. Sexual relationships and deeply committed relationships of all kinds. Joint funds, finances. Other person’s resource. Occult, psychic and taboo matters. Regeneration. Self-transformation. When Saturn passes through the eighth house of longevity, and Saturn is not the lord of this house, there is usually a high possibility of an accident or illness.
Now Guru or Jupiter since May 8, 2011, has come to your 2nd house or the Dhana Sthanam (House of Wealth and Earnings) . Meena Rasi people will enjoy this transit very well. There will be inflow of income, Harmony in family, and promotions and increments are a common thing in this transit. Women will make and collect jewelery.
Advise: You are going to enter the the challenge packed – Saturn in 8th – Ashtama Sani phase. Take refuge in prayer and patience. you need the 4 P’s in abundance- Prayer, Patience, Piousness and Perspective. Do not drop your guard and be prepared for real challenges.
Here are some key points to be noted for you during the Saturn transit:
- The journey of Saturn into the eighth house from the birth rashi signifies a troubled time.
- During this period, most of you are likely to go through a rough phase at work, in business or in any field of activity.
- Most of you may even lose work due to a number of different reasons.
- You may be attracted to addictions, gambling or keeping bad company. Some may even be imprisoned as a result of keeping bad company.
- You may lose your name and fame in society. Some of you may think of renouncing the world.
- Travel is on the cards.
- Take care of your finances and curtail expenditure.
- Health could be a cause of concern.
- You are likely to develop serious ailments that may be life threatening.
- Your family demands your attention during this phase.
- Due to your planetary changes, they might also have to face troubled times. You may lose a family member or pet.
- Avoid any kind of arguments with those close to you, as you will tend to create new enemies within your family at this time.
- Problems in health ways, loneliness, mentally facing problems, problems in family, loss in business, failure, and enmity will be occurring in these periods
- You will be purchasing land, vehicle, ornaments, higher studies, higher position in jobs, journey to foreign countries and all good and comfortable happenings will also happen.
- For detailed Remedies and Pariharams, we will update this post shortly.
Pls note: These are broad outlines. The holy scriptures have mentioned these as the outcome of the transit. For more detailed personalized analysis based on your Dasha and Bhutki, read below.
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