The Effects of Kethu in Different Houses
As I mentioned in my piece on Rahu in the previous issue, Rahu and Ketu are also known as Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail. They are considered the nodes of Moon, or shadowy planets because they don’t have physical bodies. The two planets move backwards or are retrograde and give sudden and unexpected happenings in life. Their effects are modified for better or for worse depending on if they are by themselves or conjoined with other planets. Usually the effects of Rahu are considered like that of Saturn and Ketu like that of Mars, although some astrologers also think that Kethu is like Mercury and gives only half the results if by itself in any house.
Following are the effects of Kethu in various houses in the Horoscope. This is basic information and all planets are affected by degree, conjuctions, aspects on them, placement among other things.
Kethu in the First House: The person has a sharp intelligence but if Jupiter or Mercury doesn’t aspect the planet, the full potential of the person may not be fulfilled. It gives restlessness, discontentment and in spite of hard work, struggles continue financially. In Capricorn, Scorpio, Aries and Aquarius when the position will be less detrimental, Kethu tends to create many problems. It affects conjugal happiness also. A person with this placement is often exploited by others.
Kethu in second House: It gives financial ups and downs, health troubles in the throat and dental region, obstructs education and makes the person inclined to use foul language when angry... Family tensions will abound. If Kethu is strong and well placed then there will be opposite results and many financial gains.
Kethu in the third house: This placement makes the person strong and intelligent, with a lot of mental and physical toughness, but also mental stress due to disputes that occur from time to time. It gives success and long life but the upper part of body especially the arms may be prone to injury.
Kethu in the fourth House: Unless Kethu is well placed, it can give losses through real estate, affect mother’s health adversely. It affects studies and causes family tension and breaks in education.
Kethu in the fifth house: This will give loss of first pregnancy to a woman unless husband’s horoscope is strong. Even then it will give a difficult pregnancy or difficult delivery. It makes one prone to stomach troubles also if badly placed, and affects relationships with children.
Kethu in the sixth house: This gives strength, determination, name and fame. A person with this placement can overcome any adversity or opposition. It does predispose the person to piles and fistula or other private organ infection and affects eye sight adversely. Early childhood is usually not happy.
Kethu in the seventh house: This gives danger from water and gives attachment to a partner not accepted by family. It can also give hernia or other intestinal infections. Stomach area is weak. It gives mental worry, losses from theft, but Kethu in Scorpio in the seventh will be beneficial.
Kethu in the eight house: Unless in one of its benefic signs, this position affects longevity adversely. It gives financial losses, quarrels and opposition from loved ones. If Kethu is well placed in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio it will give gains. Ailments in the area ruled by the sign Kethu is in, in the eighth house will occur. There will a be a tendency to have extra marital flings. It also makes a person accident prone.
Kethu in the ninth house: Gives troubles to father and paternal relations, but gains from foreigners. Affects family ties adversely especially with male siblings. If joined with a benefic the negative effects will lessen.
Kethu in the tenth house: This gives popularity, brilliance and stamina. The person will always overcome his/her ill wishers and will travel far and wide.
Kethu in the eleventh: This gives financial gains but affects progeny adversely. Number of children may also be limited.
Kethu in the twelfth house: This is an adverse location for finances. Conjugal happiness is impaired.
Effects of Rahu in Different Houses
Rahu and Ketu are also known as Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail. They are considered the nodes of Moon, or shadowy planets because they don’t have physical bodies. The two planets move backwards or are retrograde and give sudden and unexpected happenings in life. Their effects are modified for better or for worse depending on if they are by themselves or conjoined with other planets. Usually the effects of Rahu are considered like that of Saturn and Ketu like that of Mars.
In this column I will be discussing the effects of Rahu in various Houses.
Rahu in the first House: In the ascendant it can affect health and gives a serious, repressed and willful nature if badly placed. The combination affects marriage and married life adversely. Rahu in Aries, Taurus or Cancer in the ascendant is considered auspicious and in Leo give financial success.
Rahu in the second house: Rahu in the second house affects eyesight, and gives friction in the family. It affects the throat region and gives financial ups and downs unless Jupiter aspects it in a beneficial way. If well placed, it can give gains by science and education, but also enemies and first half of life is full of stress and struggles.
Rahu in the third house: Rahu is considered good in the third house and gives spiritual and academic gains. It gives good relations with loved ones, intelligence and gains in business, but a loss of a sibling. Sudden and unexpected news in life will be many. The person appears strong outwardly but is weak inwardly. This combination is not good for siblings. Such a person faces criticism while airing his views and ideas. It gives ear troubles.
Rahu in the fourth house: Rahu in the fourth house gives sudden gains both from real estate and in general it stresses relationships with siblings. It makes one prone to chest and stomach disease.
Rahu in the fifth house: This makes one prone to stomach troubles, gives abortions and stresses. It gives colic and one has limited progeny.
Rahu in the 6th house: This placement gives a long life but stress from ill wishers. There will be some trouble in the lower abdominal area. Early period of life is stressful. The person is lucky for father and paternal relatives. It gives strength, energy and determination and the ability to pull through tough times.
Rahu in the seventh house: This give troubles in personal life, can cause death of spouse or divorce if badly placed, and affairs with people from different ethnic groups. In a man’s horoscope it gives gynecological troubles and abortions to wife.
It gives gains through women but affects virility and impairs marital happiness. Loss of money through women is also indicated.
Rahu in the 8th house: It gives scandals, legal troubles and health problems. If joined by Moon it can give mental and glandular disorders. Financially too there will be ups and downs.
Rahu in the 9th house: This improves mental qualities and gives academic and professional success if well placed. It gives good intuition and foreign residence. Spouse may be a bit of a shrew and there may be stress with paternal relatives.
Rahu in the tenth house: Rahu in the tenth gives great literary and artistic abilities and wide travels. It gives success in business and also name and fame. The number of children is limited. It gives a number of relationships.
Rahu in the eleventh house: This position gives name and fame and learning but a limited number of progeny and ear trouble along with foreign travel.
Rahu in the twelfth house: This gives prosperity and a helpful nature but relationships and initial frustration and then success.
The Effects of Saturn in Different Houses
Saturn completes one cycle of the Zodiac in 29 years. It is a very powerful planet and its effects both benefic and malefic can have very intense repercussions in a native’s life. Saturn is the main signifactor of longevity and also gives scientific bend of thought. Saturn’s 7 and a half years transit through the 12th, 1st and 2nd house from the moon chart is called Saad Sati and it can create great havoc if the planet is not well placed in the horoscope. In my personal experience I have noticed that even when it is considered a benefic for a chart, the period of Saad Sati often causes obstacles and stress in the life of the person, though the evil effects are not as intense as in the charts of people who have a badly placed Saturn.
Saturn in the first house: If placed in the ascendant in Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces and Aquarius and Capricorn its own signs, Saturn will usually have a good effect. It gives a handsome appearance and a tall, lean body, power and rise in life but at a later age. The nature is quiet and dignified and such people don’t waste their time in frivolities. They are fair, loyal and intellectually inclined.
When afflicted in the first house, it gives obstacles and stresses along with heavy responsibilities and a melancholic nature very early in life. There is mistrust of others, and such a person has a hard time trusting others. The nature can be self centered and the person will have to struggle a lot in life.
Saturn in the second house: Unless well placed, in its own house or in exaltation, Saturn brings the person minimum gains for huge amounts of efforts. It affects personal, academic and professional life adversely, gives health troubles on the upper part of the body. The person can be pretty stingy.
If well placed it gives gains from real estate, metal, and investment in oil and coal as well as mining projects. The person will be farsighted and sensible.
Saturn in the third house: When well placed it gives gains, a strong and focused mind and a flair for math and science. There may be some ear trouble in later years and a tendency to be reclusive. This placement of Saturn in a male chart can affect birth of children and give difficult pregnancies or abortions to wife, unless the wife’s chart is powerful and nullifies the weakness. There may be differences with relatives, trouble through the written words and health when not well placed.
Saturn in the fourth house: Even when well placed it can give sudden losses, heavy responsibilities, and interrupted education. It affects mother’s health negatively, making her ailments chronic. If Saturn is retrograde it gives marital troubles, and tensions from employees and children, especially in foreign land.
If Saturn is well placed and aspected by rulers of the 2nd, 7th and 11th house, one will be very rich, long lived and may become a successful diplomat abroad.
Saturn in the fifth house: This placement affects progeny. It may delay their birth or the person may have adopted children. It gives more female than male children. This position gives grief in love affairs, attraction to people much older in age, losses through speculative ventures. If Saturn is well placed, then the bad effects are minimized.
Saturn in the sixth house: This position gives a flair for science, and success in technical, medical and health care industry. It gives gains through contract work, projects, great financial and political success. Saturn in the sixth house is normally considered good, unless badly afflicted. Then it can give chronic health troubles.
Saturn in the seventh house: If well placed it gives a mature and sensible, well educated partner with whom the person and expect stability and harmony in life. It also gives gains from partnerships with others and contractual and mediation work, along with tremendous success and reputation all over the world and political success. If afflicted it can even cause death to spouse or self, give turbulence in personal life and losses in cooperative ventures. It can give delay in marriage and disappointments in love.
Saturn in the eighth house: Saturn in the 8th house can give respiratory troubles and heavy responsibilities in life. When well placed it makes the person responsible for the financial success and well being of others in jobs that require such things. Badly placed it can give all sorts of legal troubles and liabilities. It gives the person psychic and mediumistic abilities and mystic experiences.
Saturn in the ninth house: When well placed this placement gives great success in the legal, scientific and publishing world. It gives a philosophical mind and a desire for achieving success through the traditional tools. Such people are founders of charitable institutions. When afflicted, it can give a tunnel vision and extreme rigidity in looking at life. It also gives losses abroad, and accidents when traveling.
Saturn in the tenth house: A well placed Saturn gives great success professionally but also a sudden rise and fall in life. If joined with a benevolent Jupiter, it gives wide spread success in anything the person chooses to do in life. This is a good placement for being self employed, in politics as well as business and in acting, especially if Saturn is joined with Venus in Libra or Taurus.
Saturn in the eleventh house: Saturn in the eleventh house gives gains from friends in high places and group activities. It creates a great path for self development and intellectual growth through meeting like minded people. If afflicted it gives sorrows from male relatives and stresses in personal life. Financially there are major ups and downs.
Saturn in the twelfth house: This placement if afflicted gives secret adversaries who work towards the person’s downfall. It gives unexpected losses, eye troubles and chronic health problems in the body part ruled by the 12th house. It gives expensive litigations and troubles to maternal relatives. The nature of the person is secretive and reclusive. There will be tendency towards melancholia and depression.
As I mentioned in my piece on Rahu in the previous issue, Rahu and Ketu are also known as Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail. They are considered the nodes of Moon, or shadowy planets because they don’t have physical bodies. The two planets move backwards or are retrograde and give sudden and unexpected happenings in life. Their effects are modified for better or for worse depending on if they are by themselves or conjoined with other planets. Usually the effects of Rahu are considered like that of Saturn and Ketu like that of Mars, although some astrologers also think that Kethu is like Mercury and gives only half the results if by itself in any house.
Following are the effects of Kethu in various houses in the Horoscope. This is basic information and all planets are affected by degree, conjuctions, aspects on them, placement among other things.
Kethu in the First House: The person has a sharp intelligence but if Jupiter or Mercury doesn’t aspect the planet, the full potential of the person may not be fulfilled. It gives restlessness, discontentment and in spite of hard work, struggles continue financially. In Capricorn, Scorpio, Aries and Aquarius when the position will be less detrimental, Kethu tends to create many problems. It affects conjugal happiness also. A person with this placement is often exploited by others.
Kethu in second House: It gives financial ups and downs, health troubles in the throat and dental region, obstructs education and makes the person inclined to use foul language when angry... Family tensions will abound. If Kethu is strong and well placed then there will be opposite results and many financial gains.
Kethu in the third house: This placement makes the person strong and intelligent, with a lot of mental and physical toughness, but also mental stress due to disputes that occur from time to time. It gives success and long life but the upper part of body especially the arms may be prone to injury.
Kethu in the fourth House: Unless Kethu is well placed, it can give losses through real estate, affect mother’s health adversely. It affects studies and causes family tension and breaks in education.
Kethu in the fifth house: This will give loss of first pregnancy to a woman unless husband’s horoscope is strong. Even then it will give a difficult pregnancy or difficult delivery. It makes one prone to stomach troubles also if badly placed, and affects relationships with children.
Kethu in the sixth house: This gives strength, determination, name and fame. A person with this placement can overcome any adversity or opposition. It does predispose the person to piles and fistula or other private organ infection and affects eye sight adversely. Early childhood is usually not happy.
Kethu in the seventh house: This gives danger from water and gives attachment to a partner not accepted by family. It can also give hernia or other intestinal infections. Stomach area is weak. It gives mental worry, losses from theft, but Kethu in Scorpio in the seventh will be beneficial.
Kethu in the eight house: Unless in one of its benefic signs, this position affects longevity adversely. It gives financial losses, quarrels and opposition from loved ones. If Kethu is well placed in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio it will give gains. Ailments in the area ruled by the sign Kethu is in, in the eighth house will occur. There will a be a tendency to have extra marital flings. It also makes a person accident prone.
Kethu in the ninth house: Gives troubles to father and paternal relations, but gains from foreigners. Affects family ties adversely especially with male siblings. If joined with a benefic the negative effects will lessen.
Kethu in the tenth house: This gives popularity, brilliance and stamina. The person will always overcome his/her ill wishers and will travel far and wide.
Kethu in the eleventh: This gives financial gains but affects progeny adversely. Number of children may also be limited.
Kethu in the twelfth house: This is an adverse location for finances. Conjugal happiness is impaired.
Effects of Rahu in Different Houses
Rahu and Ketu are also known as Dragon’s head and Dragon’s tail. They are considered the nodes of Moon, or shadowy planets because they don’t have physical bodies. The two planets move backwards or are retrograde and give sudden and unexpected happenings in life. Their effects are modified for better or for worse depending on if they are by themselves or conjoined with other planets. Usually the effects of Rahu are considered like that of Saturn and Ketu like that of Mars.
In this column I will be discussing the effects of Rahu in various Houses.
Rahu in the first House: In the ascendant it can affect health and gives a serious, repressed and willful nature if badly placed. The combination affects marriage and married life adversely. Rahu in Aries, Taurus or Cancer in the ascendant is considered auspicious and in Leo give financial success.
Rahu in the second house: Rahu in the second house affects eyesight, and gives friction in the family. It affects the throat region and gives financial ups and downs unless Jupiter aspects it in a beneficial way. If well placed, it can give gains by science and education, but also enemies and first half of life is full of stress and struggles.
Rahu in the third house: Rahu is considered good in the third house and gives spiritual and academic gains. It gives good relations with loved ones, intelligence and gains in business, but a loss of a sibling. Sudden and unexpected news in life will be many. The person appears strong outwardly but is weak inwardly. This combination is not good for siblings. Such a person faces criticism while airing his views and ideas. It gives ear troubles.
Rahu in the fourth house: Rahu in the fourth house gives sudden gains both from real estate and in general it stresses relationships with siblings. It makes one prone to chest and stomach disease.
Rahu in the fifth house: This makes one prone to stomach troubles, gives abortions and stresses. It gives colic and one has limited progeny.
Rahu in the 6th house: This placement gives a long life but stress from ill wishers. There will be some trouble in the lower abdominal area. Early period of life is stressful. The person is lucky for father and paternal relatives. It gives strength, energy and determination and the ability to pull through tough times.
Rahu in the seventh house: This give troubles in personal life, can cause death of spouse or divorce if badly placed, and affairs with people from different ethnic groups. In a man’s horoscope it gives gynecological troubles and abortions to wife.
It gives gains through women but affects virility and impairs marital happiness. Loss of money through women is also indicated.
Rahu in the 8th house: It gives scandals, legal troubles and health problems. If joined by Moon it can give mental and glandular disorders. Financially too there will be ups and downs.
Rahu in the 9th house: This improves mental qualities and gives academic and professional success if well placed. It gives good intuition and foreign residence. Spouse may be a bit of a shrew and there may be stress with paternal relatives.
Rahu in the tenth house: Rahu in the tenth gives great literary and artistic abilities and wide travels. It gives success in business and also name and fame. The number of children is limited. It gives a number of relationships.
Rahu in the eleventh house: This position gives name and fame and learning but a limited number of progeny and ear trouble along with foreign travel.
Rahu in the twelfth house: This gives prosperity and a helpful nature but relationships and initial frustration and then success.
The Effects of Saturn in Different Houses
Saturn completes one cycle of the Zodiac in 29 years. It is a very powerful planet and its effects both benefic and malefic can have very intense repercussions in a native’s life. Saturn is the main signifactor of longevity and also gives scientific bend of thought. Saturn’s 7 and a half years transit through the 12th, 1st and 2nd house from the moon chart is called Saad Sati and it can create great havoc if the planet is not well placed in the horoscope. In my personal experience I have noticed that even when it is considered a benefic for a chart, the period of Saad Sati often causes obstacles and stress in the life of the person, though the evil effects are not as intense as in the charts of people who have a badly placed Saturn.
Saturn in the first house: If placed in the ascendant in Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces and Aquarius and Capricorn its own signs, Saturn will usually have a good effect. It gives a handsome appearance and a tall, lean body, power and rise in life but at a later age. The nature is quiet and dignified and such people don’t waste their time in frivolities. They are fair, loyal and intellectually inclined.
When afflicted in the first house, it gives obstacles and stresses along with heavy responsibilities and a melancholic nature very early in life. There is mistrust of others, and such a person has a hard time trusting others. The nature can be self centered and the person will have to struggle a lot in life.
Saturn in the second house: Unless well placed, in its own house or in exaltation, Saturn brings the person minimum gains for huge amounts of efforts. It affects personal, academic and professional life adversely, gives health troubles on the upper part of the body. The person can be pretty stingy.
If well placed it gives gains from real estate, metal, and investment in oil and coal as well as mining projects. The person will be farsighted and sensible.
Saturn in the third house: When well placed it gives gains, a strong and focused mind and a flair for math and science. There may be some ear trouble in later years and a tendency to be reclusive. This placement of Saturn in a male chart can affect birth of children and give difficult pregnancies or abortions to wife, unless the wife’s chart is powerful and nullifies the weakness. There may be differences with relatives, trouble through the written words and health when not well placed.
Saturn in the fourth house: Even when well placed it can give sudden losses, heavy responsibilities, and interrupted education. It affects mother’s health negatively, making her ailments chronic. If Saturn is retrograde it gives marital troubles, and tensions from employees and children, especially in foreign land.
If Saturn is well placed and aspected by rulers of the 2nd, 7th and 11th house, one will be very rich, long lived and may become a successful diplomat abroad.
Saturn in the fifth house: This placement affects progeny. It may delay their birth or the person may have adopted children. It gives more female than male children. This position gives grief in love affairs, attraction to people much older in age, losses through speculative ventures. If Saturn is well placed, then the bad effects are minimized.
Saturn in the sixth house: This position gives a flair for science, and success in technical, medical and health care industry. It gives gains through contract work, projects, great financial and political success. Saturn in the sixth house is normally considered good, unless badly afflicted. Then it can give chronic health troubles.
Saturn in the seventh house: If well placed it gives a mature and sensible, well educated partner with whom the person and expect stability and harmony in life. It also gives gains from partnerships with others and contractual and mediation work, along with tremendous success and reputation all over the world and political success. If afflicted it can even cause death to spouse or self, give turbulence in personal life and losses in cooperative ventures. It can give delay in marriage and disappointments in love.
Saturn in the eighth house: Saturn in the 8th house can give respiratory troubles and heavy responsibilities in life. When well placed it makes the person responsible for the financial success and well being of others in jobs that require such things. Badly placed it can give all sorts of legal troubles and liabilities. It gives the person psychic and mediumistic abilities and mystic experiences.
Saturn in the ninth house: When well placed this placement gives great success in the legal, scientific and publishing world. It gives a philosophical mind and a desire for achieving success through the traditional tools. Such people are founders of charitable institutions. When afflicted, it can give a tunnel vision and extreme rigidity in looking at life. It also gives losses abroad, and accidents when traveling.
Saturn in the tenth house: A well placed Saturn gives great success professionally but also a sudden rise and fall in life. If joined with a benevolent Jupiter, it gives wide spread success in anything the person chooses to do in life. This is a good placement for being self employed, in politics as well as business and in acting, especially if Saturn is joined with Venus in Libra or Taurus.
Saturn in the eleventh house: Saturn in the eleventh house gives gains from friends in high places and group activities. It creates a great path for self development and intellectual growth through meeting like minded people. If afflicted it gives sorrows from male relatives and stresses in personal life. Financially there are major ups and downs.
Saturn in the twelfth house: This placement if afflicted gives secret adversaries who work towards the person’s downfall. It gives unexpected losses, eye troubles and chronic health problems in the body part ruled by the 12th house. It gives expensive litigations and troubles to maternal relatives. The nature of the person is secretive and reclusive. There will be tendency towards melancholia and depression.